
Quantum Technology
Innovation Hubs

The Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs were inaugurated
in February 2021 based on the National Quantum Technology
Innovation Strategy.

Regarding quantum technology, from the perspectives of further increasing the depth of research and human resources that have been accumulated over many years at Japanese universities and research institutes, and of ensuring the diversity of basic research, it is important for the national government to enhance and strengthen continuous support for a wide range of research at institutions.
In addition, from the perspective of securing and strengthening international competitiveness, centering on the technological fields in which Japan retains its strengths and competitiveness, human resources and technologies should be gathered according to the characteristics of the technology. It is extremely important to form hubs where industry, academia and government can collaborate together on open innovation, all through on basic research, technical demonstration, intellectual property management and human resource development, etc. As such international research and development hubs, a new “Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs (International Hubs)" should be established.
The hubs will bring together excellent researchers and engineers from Japan and overseas, centered on national research institutes and universities,attract active investment from companies, etc., and organize collaboration between universities and companies. At the same time, we will develop and build their roles to play as a core for developing human resources in quantum technology field that will lead the future by coordinating connections among multiple universities and graduate schools.(Quantum Technology Innovation Strategy, 21 January 2020, Integrated Innovation Strategy Promotion Council, an informal and tentative translation)

From the perspective of strengthening industrial competitiveness, economic security, quantum technology use, and international competitiveness, we will strengthen Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs by strengthening their functions and establishing new hubs.(Quantum Future Society Vision, 22 April 2022, Integrated Innovation Strategy Promotion Council, an informal and tentative translation)

The quantum technology innovation hubs are to be strengthened to strongly support the creation of new value in the industrial world, such as the creation of new industries, productivity improvement, and the resolution of social issues, while leveraging the strengths of Japanese industry and fusing and linking each industrial field with quantum technology.(Strategy of Quantum Future Industry Development, 14 April 2023, Integrated Innovation Strategy Promotion Council, an informal and tentative translation)

> Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs at a Glance(PDF)

Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs

>QIH Activities Brochure (January 2025, PDF)  




7 April 2021

The 1st Quantum Technology Innovation
Promotion Committee

Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs

1 October 2021

The 2nd Quantum Technology Innovation
Promotion Committee

Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs

22 Aprir 2022

The 3rd Quantum Technology Innovation
Promotion Committee

Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs

2 November 2022

The 4th Quantum Technology Innovation
Promotion Committee

Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs

26 May 2023

The 5th Quantum Technology Innovation
Promotion Committee

Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs

15 Nov 2023

The 6th Quantum Technology Innovation
Promotion Committee

Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs

29 May 2024

The 7th Quantum Technology Innovation
Promotion Committee

Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs

21 Oct 2024

The 8th Quantum Technology Innovation
Promotion Committee

Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs



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