Terms of Use and Privacy Policy


All text, photographs, diagrams, and other materials on Quantum Technology Innovation Hubs (QIH) or International Symposium “Quantum Innovation” (QI) website are copyrighted by RIKEN Center for Quantum Computer (RQC) and/or QIH’s organizations unless explicitly specified otherwise on the website. It is prohibited to use, reproduce, or modify any of the material without RQC or QIH’s organizations permission.


Links that might mislead users about the sources of information are not permitted. Please clearly indicate it is a link to QIH or QI webpage. Links from the following types of website are strictly forbidden:
・commercial websites or websites for soliciting customers that have no relation to QIH and/or QI;
・websites that contain contents intended to libel, defame, or damage the reputation of QIH, QI and/or other persons or organizations;
・websites that infringe or might infringe upon the intellectual property rights, property, privacy, or other rights of QIH, QI and/or other persons or organizations; and
・other websites that QIH and/or QI judge unsuitable, for example websites that violate laws or public order and morals, and websites that might hinder the operation of RQC and/or QI website.


If you want to reproduce contents from this website, contact us (qih_info[at]ml.riken.jp)

Conditions of Use

Use of information or data from this website is undertaken at the user's own risk. QIH and/or QI take no responsibility for any direct or indirect damage that may arise through the use of this information or data. QIH and/or QI are not responsible for the contents of external websites that are linked to from this website. Any or all of this website may be changed, deleted, or removed without notice.

Protection of Personal Data

In accordance with RIKEN's rule on protection of personal data, any data that we gain through our website will be protected strictly and will never be released, given, or lent to any third party without just cause.

Range of Application

Our policy will be applied for the following sites:

Change in Policy

QIH may change the contents of this privacy policy as necessary. Any changes made to the content will be notified on the website.
Although we will be cautious about making changes in the privacy policy, we will not be responsible for any damage caused by the change.
For any queries regarding the policy, please contact us (qih_info[at]ml.riken.jp)
