Quantum Innovation 2023 was held successfully
December 2023
The International Symposium on Quantum Science, Technology, and Innovation 2023 (Quantum Innovation 2023) took place in person for the first time from November 15 to 17, 2023, at the Tokyo Convention Hall in Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. Quantum Innovation 2023 brought together a multidisciplinary group of scientists and engineers to present and exchange groundbreaking ideas related to quantum technologies. The meeting covered a wide range of quantum technology aspects, including quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum cryptography, and communication, with a focus on the latest achievements in the field and future trends.
More than 500 participants including domestic and abroad comprising scientists, engineers, academicians, young researchers, business delegates, and students, actively participated in Quantum Innovation 2023.
The Organizing Committee, consisting of 30 members chaired by Mutsuko Hatano (General Chair), Mio Murao, Akinari Yokoya, and Masahiro Takeoka (Track Chairs), and Shigeru Yamashita, Tadashi Sakai, and Go Kato (Vice Track Chairs), meticulously designed the program to cover the latest developments in quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum cryptography, and quantum communication. Distinguished presenters from around the world were appointed to facilitate discussions and collaborations among researchers working on quantum technology.
Aims of Quantum Innovation 2023
*Addressing the state-of-the-art quantum technology
*Exploring cooperation on research, application, education and social awareness on quantum technology
Scope of Quantum Innovation 2023
*Highlights of the development of quantum technology,
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Sensing
- Quantum Cryptography & Communication
* Development of Infrastructure for the progress of quantum technology
- Promotion of practical applications of quantum technology
- Development of human resources for quantum technology
- Promotion of international collaborations

Mutsuko Hatano
General Chair, Quantum Innovation 2023 Organizing Committee

Hiroki Matsuo
Vice-Minister, Secretary General, Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Cabinet Office

Yoshimasa Hayashi
Parliamentary Association for Quantum Technology Promotion
Quantum Innovation 2023 was sponsored by four Japanese Government Ministries: the Cabinet Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), as well as by RIKEN, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), Osaka University, The University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Quantum Strategic Industry Alliance for Revolution (Q-STAR). The National Institute for Material Science (NIMS) supported the symposium.
The opening and plenary sessions, held on November 15, featured welcome remarks from Mutsuko Hatano, General Chair of Quantum Innovation 2023 Organizing Committee, and speeches by Hiroki Matsuo, Vice-Minister, Secretary General, Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Cabinet Office, and Yoshimasa Hayashi, Parliamentary Association for Quantum Technology Promotion. Two keynote speeches were delivered by Yasunobu Nakamura, Director, RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing, and Barbara Goldstein, Associate Director, Physical Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, US.
Plenary talks covered government policies on quantum science and technology in Japan, the US, and the EU. Daisuke Kawakami presented Japan's strategy for quantum future industry development, Tanner Crowder provided an overview of the US National Quantum Initiative, and Peter Fatelnig explained quantum technology in the European Union. The symposium also addressed Quantum Innovation Strategy in Industry, with agencies from Japan, Australia, the US, and the UK reporting on their activities and sharing views on the implementation of quantum technology. Panels on the social implementation of quantum technologies and human resource development in quantum science and technology were conducted. The first day concluded with a reception.
On November 16 and 17, Quantum Innovation 2023 featured three tracks: Quantum Computing Track, Quantum Sensing Track, and Quantum Cryptography & Communication Track, focusing on individual quantum technologies and deepening the understanding of related challenges. Some sessions of the Quantum Sensing Track on the 16th and 17th were part of a joint program with the 6th International Forum on Quantum Measurement and Sensing (IFQMS). The poster session on November 16 welcomed more than 130 posters by young researchers, sparking engaging discussions among expert participants. Fifteen individuals were honored with Poster Presentation Awards for Young Researchers.
In light of the success of QI2023, the organizers have decided to host Quantum Innovation 2024. The Organizing Committee, chaired by Yoshinobu Baba of Nagoya University and the National Institutes of Quantum Science and Technology, will soon commence its activities. See you next year!
(Honorific titles are omitted.)