Quantum Innovation 2022 was held successfully
December 2022
The International Symposium on Quantum Science, Technology and Innovation (Quantum Innovation 2022) was held online on 28-30 November 2022.
In Quantum Innovation 2022 we brought together, a multi-disciplinary group of scientists and engineers to present and exchange breaking-through ideas related to quantum technologies. The topics of the meeting covered broad aspects of quantum technology including quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum cryptography and quantum communication with a focus on the latest outstanding achievements in the field of quantum technology and its future trends and needs.
More than 1000 people including more than 200 from abroad, consisted of scientists, engineers, academicians, young researchers, business delegates and students participated in Quantum Innovation 2022.
Organizing Committee of 20 members chaired by Kohei Itoh (General Chair), Hiroshi Imai, Akinari Yokoya, Masahide Sasaki (Track Chairs) designed the program to fully cover latest developments of quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum cryptography and quantum communication, and appointed distinguished presenters from the world for Quantum Innovation 2022.
Aims of Quantum Innovation 2022
*Addressing the state-of-the-art quantum technology
*Exploring cooperation on research, application, education and social awareness on quantum technology
We challenged to bring together researchers working on quantum technology and to offer a platform for discussions among them. Inviting prominent speakers from abroad and Japan, Quantum Innovation 2022 covered latest development of quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum cryptography and quantum communication. We also aimed to give young researchers, future quantum working force candidates and aware citizens an overview of fast evolving quantum technology by listening to inspiring talks.
Scope of Quantum Innovation 2022
*Highlights of the development of quantum technology,
- Quantum computing
- Quantum sensing
- Quantum Cryptography & Communication
*Development of Infrastructure for the progress of quantum technology
- Promotion of practical applications of quantum technology
- Development of human resources for quantum technology
- Promotion of international collaborations

Hideyuki Nakano
Parliamentary Vice-Minister
of Cabinet Office

Keitaro Ohno
Parliamentary Association for Quantum Technology Promotion

Kohei Itoh
General Chair, Quantum Innovation 2022 Organizing Committee
Quantum Innovation 2022 was sponsored by four Japanese Government Ministries of Cabinet Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). RIKEN, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST), Osaka University, the University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, Tokyo Institute of Technology and Quantum STrategic industry Alliance for Revolution (Q-STAR) also sponsored Quantum Innovation 2022. Symposium Supporters was National Institute for Material Science (NIMS).
In the morning of 28 November, Opening and Plenary Talks of Plenary Sessions were held at Hotel New Otani, in the center of Tokyo and shared online with the audience. After Welcome by Hideyuki Nakano, Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office, Keitaro Ohno, Parliamentary Association for Quantum Technology Promotion made a congratulatory speech addressing strong support of policy makers for quantum technology promotion. Kohei Itoh, General Chair, Quantum Innovation 2022 Organizing Committee, stressed importance of developing quantum technology.
In Plenary Talks, Kohei Itoh, Chairperson, Strategy Review Working Group on Quantum Technology and Innovation Strategy, Government of Japan presented the vision of quantum future society. Gretchen Campbell, Deputy director, the National Quantum Coordination Office, OSTP, presented current status of US National Quantum Initiative.
Gustav Kalbe, Acting Director, Digital Excellence and Science Infrastructure, DG CONNECT, European Commission, presented European policy. Celia Merzbacher, Executive Director, Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C), presented enabling and growing the quantum industry. Thierry Botter, Executive Director, Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC), presented strengthening Europe's quantum industry on the global stage. Taro Shimada, Chair of the Board, Quantum STrategic industry Alliance for Revolution, introduced quantum business creation consortium Q-STAR. Akihisa Tomita, Chair of Quantum ICT Forum, Hokkaido University, presented quantum innovation through the triangle collaboration. Masahiro Kitagawa, Program Director of Moonshot#6, Osaka University, presented Moonshot Goal 6: Realization of a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer that will revolutionize economy, industry, and security by 2050.
In the afternoon, five keynote speeches covered wide range of quantum technologies of quantum-centric supercomputing, quantum sensors, optical quantum computers, quantum computer architecture and quantum network technology.
Makoto Gonokami, the University of Tokyo /Chair, Quantum Technology Committee, Government of Japan, presented Quantum technology innovation for Society 5.0. Taro Shimada, Corporate Senior Vice President and Chief Digital Officer, Toshiba Corporation introduced quantum business creation consortium Q-STAR. Kohei Itoh, President, Keio University, talked about Quantum computer innovation in Japan.
On 29-30 November Quantum Innovation 2022 hold three tracks, Quantum Computing Track, Quantum Sensing Track, and Quantum Cryptography & Communication Track, to focus individual quantum technologies and to deepen understanding of the issues to be challenged. Panel discussions and Young Researchers Sessions were also held. 29th Nov Sessions in Quantum Sensing Track were a joint-program with The 5th IFQMS (The 5th International Forum on Quantum Metrology and Sensing).
(Honorific titles are omitted.)